The "Question List" is a list of questions designed to evaluate knowledge about music technology. Each has a context for the task, a title, a description (not listed) and a link to each a Topic (area of knowledge) and Field (field of study or work). New questions may be added with appropriate topics and fields selected. If an appropriate topic or field is not available, please add it from the "Taxonomy" or "Music Fields" page first. Accompanying answer choices will be added shortly. Discussion links on individual tasks for the forum will be added in the future. Level should be a value from 1 to 5 with 1 indicating "novice" and 5 indicating "expert" Please be sure to fill each form element when posting

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"Description" will be displayed on a future "detail" page.
This database seeded with research graciously provided by Dr. Peter Webster and Dr. David Williams
Some specific tasks were extracted from their most work from their most recent ATMI presentation detailed in CMS2014Best Practices.pdf. Special thanks to the people who contributed to that study. (Please access the pdf for credit to those contributors.)
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ID Context Topic Field Level Date Added Question
