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  • I have made several changes, based on meng's suggestions including the implementation of the [+]/[-], changing some of the colors, and adding some better navigation. I have a couple bugs to work out with the navigation still. I'm still trying to fi…
  • CM, Thanks for your feedback. I agree with the [+] / [-] and frankly, I just haven't got that far yet. I like the idea of a two panel design. In general, the style formatting has been minimal so far (quick and dirty might be a better description)…
  • There will need to be some differentiation between "Topic" and "Field" at some point, but for now we're working in a "brainstorm mode"
  • The immediate goal of the project is to create a structure and medium for collaboration and consensus. Perhaps in addition to evaluation assessed by computer (my original concept) and tasks to be used for instruction, as database of competency acti…
  • I just added an "expand all" button as well as indications of expandable topics.
  • Expanding all of the elements (should that be a default?) I like seeing the additions. I think it still needs to be in a sort of "brainstorming mode" for a bit but I'm seeing some potential for crossover that may need some discussion for more struc…
  • This discussion was created from comments split from: MTKE Taxonomy.